


In Art our aim is to provide high-quality projects that engage, inspire and challenge pupils, equipping them with the knowledge and skills to create their own works of art. Pupils are also able to link our history, and contribute to the culture and creativity of their environment. Pupils study artist that have made significate contributions to enhancing the world around us. Engagement in art and art making provides pupils with the opportunity to support self-regulation, emotional development, enjoyment and success.

Art Department Learning Journey

Learning Journey & Subject Handbook

Pupils explore a range of 2D and 3D materials, processes and techniques, supported by reference to works of art past and present. Pupils study and critique a variety of responses by artists on a similar theme. Pupils address the National Curriculum essential skills, processes and concepts in art, craft and design necessary to consolidate prior learning ensuring they continue to make good progress. Students are required to understand these skills, in order to deepen and broaden their knowledge, skills and understanding. The curriculum covers a varied range of traditional and new media. Students consider and examine the Visual Elements of Art Line, Tone, Colour, Pattern, Texture, Shape, Form and Space which are essential to aid development and preparation for transition to high school.

Pupils will study great masters through to contemporary artists in range of projects and media.


Ceramic Tiles inspired Matisse & Calder, Underwater World Ceramic Fish inspired by Rachel Laundon, Collage Landscapes and Bird Sculptures inspired by Mark Hearld, and Ceramic Buildings, Watercolour Painting and Lino Cuts inspired by Hundertwasser

Please click here to view the Art handbook.

To view our Art Learning Journey please click here.


Children’s day-to-day practical and theoretical work is used to judge attainment and progress across each project. Children also have a final piece or range of pieces alongside their completed project book.

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Please contact the school office with any questions, comments or feedback.