
Careers 1


Welcome to the careers section on our school website. Careers education (CEIAG) is delivered to all year groups across the school and we strive to make it as current, creative and informative as possible. Careers is planned through our PSHE curriculum as well as extra-curricular activities and alternative timetable days.

We offer a rounded and holistic careers programme as part of our student offer to support wider thinking around Careers Education and for students to make sense of the opportunities and encounters they experience within their stay at Walton Priory Middle school which includes embedding programme of activity supporting student entitlement for Benchmarks 2-7. Within this process students can ask for a qualified level 6 careers advice appointment to ensure they understand how to make realistic and SMART decisions around their ‘Best Next Step’ and to support their transition from Walton and also as they progress through he education system into the world of work. This offer is supported by Staffordshire County Council Careers and Participation Team.

Local Skills Improvement Plans – The Local Skills Improvement Plan (LSIP) is an initiative funded by the Department for Education. LSIPs are a key part of achieving the aim set out initially in the Skills for Jobs whitepaper, which looked to put employers more firmly at the heart of the skills system. LSIPs provide an agreed set of actionable priorities that employers, providers and stakeholders in a local area can get behind to drive change to economic growth. Employer representative bodies have been designated to lead the development of LSIPs for all 38 areas of England with ours as Staffordshire Chambers of Commerce. LSIP’s aim to set out how “local provision needs to change to help people know and deve lop the skills they need to get good jobs and increase their prospects”. An important aspect of this is improving prospective learners’ awareness and understanding of shifting employer and industry needs and how local technical education provision is adapting. The Stoke Staffs Careers Hub will connect the insight of the LSIP to these learners, and vice versa, through the expertise of those who are best placed to promote the change directly to learners and educational institutions.

If you have any questions regarding careers, please speak to Miss Smith, who is our Careers Lead within school.

Careers Education Policy

Provider Access Legislation

Careers Programme 23-24

Feeder School

Our main feeder school is Alleyne’s Academy but a number of children continue their education at The JCB Academy and The Rural Enterprise Academy. Both academies offer our pupils an assembly with key information about their school and the opportunities available to them as an alternative education provider.

Feeder Schools:


Further Education

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Get in Touch

Please contact the school office with any questions, comments or feedback.