Competitive Sportss


Competitive Sports

One of our exciting ventures, a competitive sports session each week, was introduced into the curriculum in September 2017. It is proving to be popular among both staff and pupils – even the not-so-sporty types.

During the afternoons, pupils play a wide range of team games to win points for their forms; girls play traditionally male sports like rugby and boys play netball. Although the policy is to go outside on all but the bleakest days to take advantage of the fresh air and our extensive grounds, when it is very, very cold and wet, youngsters may find themselves inside enjoying dance, dodgeball or designing new team games, all with a competitive slant.

Clearly, our pupils relish the opportunities to develop their health and fitness, but this is not the only benefit, as participation in team sports, where everyone’s contribution matters (not just that of the elite), fosters those important life-long skills of co-operation and collaboration. Throughout their lives, teamwork will be important and our pupils will be ready for the challenge.


Sports and Activities during Competitive Sports

Autumn Term – Football, Netball, Hockey, Forest School and Swimming (Year 5)

Spring Term – Basketball, Tchoukball, Rugby, Forest School and Swimming (Year 5)

Summer Term – Cricket, Rounders, Handball, Forest School and Swimming (Year 5)

We also use these afternoons to take part in events such as English Schools’ Football Week and Sportshall Athletics Week.

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Please contact the school office with any questions, comments or feedback.