NACE Challenge Award 2021 – 2024


NACE Challenge Award for More Able Provision

Our staff are well qualified at what they do. We’re really good at catering for the needs of high-achieving pupils and every year group has a more able pathway. Our NACE Challenge Award was gained after stringent assessment of our curriculum, children’s work and parent and governor voice. It is evidence of the amazing provision we offer and we are delighted to be the first and only Staffordshire school with this accreditation.


Press Release

Walton Priory Middle School accredited with the NACE Challenge Award

Walton Priory Middle School has been accredited by the National Association for Able Children in Education (NACE) with the NACE Challenge Award. The award is given in recognition of school-wide commitment to providing outstanding provision for high achieving pupils, which helps them achieve their true potential.

The school, based in Walton, Stone, has become the only school in Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent, and one of only 463 schools internationally, to achieve the prestigious award following a rigorous assessment process.

To attain the Challenge Award, accessors judged the quality of the school by observing lessons, examining the school’s data and key documents, interviewing students, teachers, parents and governors. This also includes the school completing a detailed self-evaluation using the NACE Challenge Framework and submission of a portfolio of supporting evidence.

NACE CEO, Rob Lightfoot said: “Walton Priory Middle School has worked successfully to attain the NACE Challenge Award. It has shown itself to be committed to developing an environment in which all learners are both challenged and supported to be the best they can be.”

Previous Headteacher comments: “This is a fantastic accolade and we are so pleased that more able children get the provision they deserve at Walton Priory.”

Walton Priory Middle School is committed to ensuring the provident of high-quality provision for all their students and the continuation of providing more opportunities for learners to develop their aspirations, knowledge and skills from entry in Year 5 all the way through to Year 8.

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