Quality Marks

Quality Marks

Quality Marks

Who doesn’t love a good quality mark? Just like a postcard home or a badge for our pupils, quality marks recognise the extraordinary work of teachers and support staff at Walton Priory.

W2W Award

The Ways to Wellbeing

The Ways to Wellbeing award is an award from Entrust which supports schools to improve wellbeing among pupils and staff.

At Walton, we achieved this award in January 2021 after an extensive process of auditing and making improvements to our wellbeing provision in school under guidance and assessment from experienced consultants.

Through a broad PSHE curriculum we showed our commitment to the wellbeing of pupils with the introduction of new topics such as Emotional Health and Online Abuse and we added new nurture groups to provide support where needed. A greater focus was placed on themed assemblies to provide talking points and opportunities for discussion on important issues and we promoted HOPE – Helping Our Pupils Emotions – our emotional support system in school.

We are very proud of the way that we prioritise the wellbeing of our pupils at Walton and are sure that this leads to happy, settled pupils whose learning benefits from the support offered.

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Quality in Careers Standard

The Quality in Careers Standard is a National quality award for careers education, information, advice and guidance (CEIAG) in secondary schools, colleges and work-based learning.

Walton Priory was externally assessed for this award and achieved it in July 2020 by fully meeting the standard. To achieve this we had to complete an audit of the current career provision, collate evidence that matched each of the 8 Gatsby Benchmarks, gather input from pupils, staff, parents and governors and demonstrate our commitment to careers provision.

We are really proud of this achievement and the opportunities that we are able to provide our pupils in opening up ideas for their own future.

We continue to work hard to develop our careers provision by delivering current information, giving pupils access to a careers based learning platform and planning new career based activities which link through different areas of our curriculum.

“We were incredibly impressed by the school’s vision, passion and enthusiasm, how the school staff as a whole work together and understand the importance and relevance of CEIAG.  Feedback from the students was incredibly positive as was feedback from parents.”


Primary Science

In 2021, Walton Priory Middle School gained the Primary Science Quality Mark in recognition of its excellence in Science teaching.

The PSQM is designed to:

  • Enable science subject leaders to develop and articulate a clear intent and aspirational vision for science. The process of achieving a PSQM raises the profile and quality of science across the whole school.
  • Supports subject leaders to effectively implement a curriculum for science that is informed by research evidence and best practice data. Working with an expert hub leader subject leaders evaluate current provision for science and put in place a development cycle that leads to sustained progress in science across the school.
  • Ensures strong and positive impact: Children make good progress, building and consolidating their knowledge and skills, developing positive attitudes about science and its value to their lives and globally. Teachers and children enjoy their science lessons.

Here at Walton Priory Middle School

Supported by compulsory CPD and expert mentoring the subject leader worked with colleagues across the school to:

  • Audit existing provision in science.
  • Create and implement an action plan to develop all aspects of science teaching and learning.
  • Complete a reflective submission with key pieces of evidence to demonstrate the impact of science leadership in the school.

We are very proud of our science curriculum and the opportunities the children have to expand their science capital while they are here with us. The STEAM faculty continually evaluate and monitor the impact of our science lessons, always striving to improve on our curriculum and inspire the next generation of children to work in science.

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Get in Touch

Please contact the school office with any questions, comments or feedback.