Fire station trip


PSHE is at the core of developing a child’s understanding of themselves, their community and the wider world.  We want children to be inquisitive, share thoughts and feelings, listen to and respect others’ opinions and leave us with the knowledge and skills needed to lead healthy, fulfilling, and successful lives.

PSHE Learning Journey KS2_001

Learning Journey and Subject Handbook

At Walton Priory Middle School, we aim for our pupils to be able to utilize their Beacon (resilience, respectful, resourceful, participation, reflective, responsible and collaborative) and British Values to show self-respect, confidence and empathy in order to make informed decisions.


Pupils arrive at Walton from different backgrounds and experiences that have shaped their understanding.  In order to ensure continuity and progression within PSHE education we follow the majority of our feeder schools by working with the Entrust PSHE scheme of work.

Pupils should leave KS2 with the skills and knowledge they need to live healthy lives and to be ready for KS3.

Please click here to view the KS2 PSHE Learning Journey.


Pupils arrive in KS3 having received a broad and balanced curriculum full of experiences that have shaped their understanding in Years 5 and 6. We prepare our students for their higher education by connecting our work to the PSHE Association and its curriculum.

The spiral development approach of our PSHE curriculum transitions well into the main feeder school in the way that the curriculum content is built up over time with topics revisited in line with pupil’s knowledge, experiences and age specific content.

All lessons are taught in a sensitive and respectful manner where children are encouraged to be open and ask questions. Please see our lesson guidance.

Please click here to view our KS3 PSHE Learning Journey.


Our PSHE curriculum is supported across all aspects of the school day, every lesson, tutor and lunch times provide pupils with the skills and experiences that they need to help support their development.  Please see our Personal Development Learning Journey for more details about this.

Parts of our PSHE curriculum links closely with science topics and reinforces Relationship and Sex education in both subjects.

Careers education is delivered in many ways and careers experiences differ from year group to year group all supporting an enriched extra-curricular curriculum.

Flowing throughout the academic year, our RE curriculum particularly supports our pupils to become compassionate citizens through exploration of faith, values and cultural diversity.  Our lessons are a canvas for discussing moral dilemmas, ethical choices and the impact of faith on behaviour.

Our PE, KS2 Science, KS3 Science, Food Tech and ICT curriculums are also fundamental in our whole school cross-curricular mastery approach to teaching PSHE.

To view the PSHE Handbook please click here.


In our educational setting, Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education (PSHE) is not formally assessed. Instead, our approach emphasizes the dynamic nature of the subject, recognizing that its core principles are best cultivated through an ongoing, adaptable process. Teachers play a pivotal role in tailoring their lessons to meet the unique needs of each pupil, drawing insights from their understanding of individual students, class discussions, and assessments of written work.

Class discussions serve as a vital forum for exploring complex topics within the PSHE curriculum. Teachers actively encourage open dialogue, creating a safe space for students to express their thoughts, share experiences, and learn from one another. These discussions not only contribute to a richer understanding of the subject matter but also inform teachers about the specific concerns and interests of the class. This guides further refinements to the curriculum, ensuring that the content remains relevant, engaging, and responsive to the evolving needs of the students.

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Please contact the school office with any questions, comments or feedback.