KS2 English Assessment


In KS2, children are assessed in a variety of ways. Throughout each book studied, in core English lessons, there are lessons which focus on reading comprehension skills. Children also have weekly guided reading lessons. Work produced in these core lessons and guided reading lessons help to inform teacher assessed reading grades. Alongside this, children sit termly summative assessments. In Year 5, the children are given NTS tests, and in Year 6, previous SATs papers are used. Teachers use the scores from these, alongside work in their core English and guided reading lessons, to give a reading grade.


Children are given separate grades for writing. This is based upon a variety of pieces of writing across each term. Throughout each term, children complete many pieces writing of different types, supported by their class teacher using the IPEELL structure. They also complete a ‘cold write’ each term, which is done completely independently. In Year 6, staff then use the end of KS2 teacher assessment framework for writing to mark work and give teacher assessed grades. In Year 5, the teacher assessment framework has been amended to fit the Year 5 expectations, and this is used to mark work and inform teacher assessed grades.

Assessment Grids

Y5 English Reading

Y5 English Writing

Y6 English Reading

Y6 English Writing